I've naturally attempted the various methods for debugging mentioned on, but it seems like I can't get any debug messages at all from the plugin - except when testing the setup in a freestyle job. I'm interpreting this as: There is some kind of hole-through, but the plugin don't like what Davmail says. The only exception is if I on purpose attempt to specify to use imaps instead of imap, is, using " =1143" - in this case I very fast get this error: " Error : : Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection? ". When testing, I always (after about 45 seconds) get the " Connection timed out: connect " error, posted below. I intend to use imap on port 1143 (DavMail Default), so this is the protocol I've been testing the most with. I've tested with telnet from the same machine, and have no problems accessing the server and fetching a named mail. However the poll-mailbox trigger plugin appear not to like it.

Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence and several other applications happily communicate with it. Let's try to reproduce the case.I've configured DavMail ( ) to act as a gateway to our Exchange server - which neither allow imap, pop nor smpt access. Throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("the trustAnchors " + The exception is thrown when the provided KeyStore has no trustAnchors.